Next EuroDBS Meeting, Mainz 13.-14th June 2024
Our alliance is independent of any other organization and is run by teams from

We are working on projects on neuropsychiatric conditions, being involved in initiatives to develope and improve the field of invasive neuromodulation and deep brain stimulation. The European DBS Alliance was founded on the principle that collaboration and synergy lead to more rapid progress than can be achieved individually. We strive towards a comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms of deep brain stimulaton, its way of action to achieve clinical effects and responses in neuropsychiatric conditions.
Our Aims
Founding Centers
Recent Research
Associated Centers
The foundings Centers Group consists of leading DBS centers coordinates the Alliance. Steering Committee members and Asscocitated Centers propose and agree by consensus on joined research activities. The Sterreing Comitte consists of a small group of experienced individuals who nurture a culture of common support and collegiality across all participating sites. We meet twice yearly to discuss ongoing projects and future research activities.
EuroDBS Steering Committee Members

Become a Member
European DBS centers should contact participating centers or the acting leads to join our initiative